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ALECHINSKY > Alechinsky Poesie Book

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ALECHINSKY : alechinsky-poesie-book
"Petite poésie pour Pierre Alechinsky".
Illustrated book with original etchings by Pierre Alechinsky, poem by Pierre André Benoit, 1985. The book is signed by the artist and by PAB. Editon of the book at 40 copies.
Size : 24 X 18 cm.
Publisher : PAB.
Good condition.
Other prints available by ALECHINSKY

ALECHINSKY, related prints

ALECHINSKY : alechinsky-ideotraces-book Estampe Vendue
Illustrated book by Pierre Alechinsky, 1966, text from the artist and many reproductions in black and in colors. Edition of the book at 3000 copies, one of the 100 of the deluxe, the only one with an original lithograph in tryptich signed and numbered by the artist.
Printer : Clot et Bramsen.
Publisher : Denoël.
Size of the book : 27 X 24 cm.
Size of the lithograph : 68 X 26.5 cm.
Very good condition.

ALECHINSKY : ete-de-nuit-book Estampe Vendue
"Ete de nuit".
Illustrated book by Pierre Alechinsky, text from french poet Yves Bonnefoy, 2002. The book is comprising 3 original etchings from Alechinsky + an additonnal suite of the 3 etchings signed. Total are 6 etchings, 3 unsigned and 3 signed. Edition of the book at 64 copies, all the copies are also signed by the poet and by the painter.
Printer : Degouy.
Publisher : Ergo.
Size of the book : 36 X 28 cm.
Very good condition, wonderful book by Alechinsky.

"Longtemps ce fut l'été. Une étoile immobile
Dominait les soleils tournants. L'été de nuit
Portait l'été de jour dans ses mains de lumière
Et nous nous parlions bas, en feuillage de nuit.

L'étoile indifférente, et l'étrave, et le clair
Chemin de l'une à l'autre en eaux et ciels tranquilles.
Tout ce qui est bougeait comme un vaisseau qui tourne
Et glisse, et ne sait plus son âme dans la nuit."

Extract of the poem of Yves Bonnefoy.

ALECHINSKY : alechinsky-mains-etching Estampe Vendue
"Des deux mains".
Original etching in colors, 2004, printed on old paper, coming with the deluxe copies of the book "Des deux mains", signed and numbered from an edition at 47 copies..
Publisher : Mercure de France.
Size of the etching : 19.5 X 13 cm.
Very good condition.

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