BRAQUE > Braque Paroles Livre

"Les paroles transparentes".
Illustrated book, 1955, text by Jean Paulhan and 4 original lithographs by Braque. Edition of the book at 132 copies.
Size of the book : 44 X 32.5 cm.
Reference catalogue Vallier n° 102.
The box is dirty but the book is in very good condition, photos of the lithographs on request. Other prints available by BRAQUE
Illustrated book, 1955, text by Jean Paulhan and 4 original lithographs by Braque. Edition of the book at 132 copies.
Size of the book : 44 X 32.5 cm.
Reference catalogue Vallier n° 102.
The box is dirty but the book is in very good condition, photos of the lithographs on request. Other prints available by BRAQUE