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VASARELY > Vasarely Lithograph

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VASARELY : vasarely-lithograph
This print is sold
Original lithograph in colors, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed and numbered from an edition at 200 copies.
Size of the paper : 58 X 53 cm.
Size of the lithograph : 40 X 40 cm.
Very good condition.
Other prints available by VASARELY

VASARELY, related prints

VASARELY : vasarely-xico-screenprint
Original screeprint in colors, very nice proof printed on a strong carton paper, signed and numbered from an edition at 260 copies.
Size of the print : 90 X 72 cm.
Generally good condition.

VASARELY : vasarely-composition Estampe Vendue
Lithographie originale en couleurs, très belle épreuve imprimée sur papier Arches, signée et numérotée d'un tirage à 200 exemplaires.
Dimensions du papier : 76 X 56 cm.
Dimensions de la lithographie : 65 X 41 cm.
Très bon état.

VASARELY : screenprint-vasarely
Original screenprint in colors, very nice proof printed on Arches paper, signed and numbered from an edition at 200 copies.
Size of the paper : 84 X 78 cm.
Size of the subject : 62 X 62 cm.
Very good condition.

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